Tag Archives: talking



I love the figment character at Disneyworld…if you have a chance to go on the ride do so (although I miss the older version) He is amazing.


My middle son has a great imagination, he cannot communicate much in words…but he definitely plays out stories with his stories.

My favorite is “quiet time” a sort of older version of nap time that we do where the children must play (on their own) in their room for an hour (or more 🙂 more is def. cool with us), its a “quiet time” for the adults, not the children.

Which is why, it is not “quiet time” without the joyful noise of people falling off cilffs.

West will sit on his top bunk and we will hear “woaaahhh…….ahhhh…….” and evil cackling “Om-hahahah”

I don’t know what the narrative is about

but it makes me happy to hear it 🙂

art thanks to http://www.magnusink.ca/art-sketch.php?page=2 love it!